Tag Archives: Take your Dog to Work Day

Take Your Dog to Work Day!

20 Jun

Friday June 24th is Take Your Dog To work Day.  I get to go to work with my mom almost every day for over a year now because she mostly works from home.  So, after breakfast we commute a few steps to the office and get to work.  I am in charge of curling up and thinking deep thoughts and keeping an ear out for the UPS truck.  Mom does work stuff. 

Last year I really got into Take your Dog to Work Day and decided to try out the laptop.  I just could not get the printer to work.   I think you need thumbs to print.

This year mom says I’m not allowed to work because I’ve been sick.  So I need your help.  This year I need you to go to work (or pretend to) and have your human take a photo of you “At Work”.  Post your photo on the Dog Pack Snacks Facebook Page with the title “At Work”.  I’ll review the photos and sniff out a winner of a Surprise Snack Pack.  Contest ends on Sunday June 26, 2011.

Don’t forget to tell your furry friends about this by sharing on your Facebook page.  You can also tweet it out below with this phrase..”Celebrate Take Your Dog To Work Day with Coco from @DogPackSnacks”.

Mostly, have fun and remember to obey your human.  It’s the best way to get treats.